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Error Codes Introduction
Error 0100      Not an array.lib type array.
Error 0300      Invalid A_DECLARE() dimensions
Error 0400      Attempt to address an out of bounds element.
Error 0500      Attempt to declare an array larger than 65535 bytes.
Error 0600      Attempt to declare an array with an invalid type.
Error 0700      Attempt to declare an array with invalid dimensions.
Error 0800      Out of memory on an attempt to declare an array
Error 2000      Array type incompatible with function called.
Error 2100      Function called is not valid on binary arrays.
Error 2200      Divide by zero in a FlexFile array math function.
Error 2300      A_COPY() used with incompatable array types
Error 3000      Bad or missing parameter in array function.
Error 3100      A_SIZE() error in dimensions.
Error 5000      Unable to open file.
Error 5200      Attempt to lock header failed.
Error 5300      Out of memory.
Error 6000      Invalid or missing parameter.
Error 6200      Bad pointer-field passed.
Error 6300      Invalid data type in v_replace().
Error 6400      Proclip(tm) window is not a compatible version.
Error 6500      VLF length exceeds Clipper's maximum 65535 bytes.
Error 6700      Error in V_RETRIEVE().  Array corrupted.
Error 7100      Write error.  The disk may be full.
Error 7200      Record locking time out.
Error 7300      File not open in currently V_SELECTed() area.
Error 7400      Selected area is out of bounds.  See v_files().
Error 7500      Unknown alias.
Error 7600      Illegal attempt to reset V_FILES() or V_BUFFERS
Error 7700      Invalid V_RETRIEVE() substring parameters.
Error 8000      No areas remain.  See v_files() to increase the quantity of areas.
Error 8100      Not a VLF type file.
Error 8200      File read error.
Error 8300      Unknown data type.  Possibly using a pointer-field from wrong work area.
Error 8400      Attempt to V_RETRIEVE a Proclip window.
Error 9000      Undetermined error in seek for deleted space.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson